
Saturday, December 10, 2011

Lunar Eclipse 11 Dec 2011 - Scarlet moon!

Yesterday was the lunar eclipse that promises scarlet red moon! Thanks to an ok weather and a view from my kitchen, I was able to set up an ancient D70s with a 70-300mm pointing to the sky. And wait. I used the remote to take a picture every 10 minutes. But silly me didn't realise that the position of the moon shifted as the eclipse progresses so I kept shifting the position of the tripod and screwed up the natural progression. 

This picture is taken at the max 300mm but since the moon is so far away, I still had to crop a fair bit to get a closer look. This picture was taken at the 'peak' of the occurrence, which was 1015pm Singapore time. I also adjusted the white balance a little to show the tinge of pink up. 

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