
Monday, March 19, 2012

Great service at ToofDoctor

After deciding to spend more than a month pay on improving my teeth, I saw a few orthodontists. Let's just say that Tanglin Area is tai tai area.
I first saw a Dr Chan Boon Hui for a first consult before seeing the orthodontist Dr Geraldine Lee.
He is a friendly and patient dentist who made me feel at ease , not an easy feat when I freak out even while tooth cleaning. I saw him like 7 times within a month, sometimes almost 2x a week, until he told me to take it easy and take a break first, when I had another freak out.
The thing is before I start my braces, I had to fix quite a few problems. I had a badly decayed right molar that had to be removed, a left molar that needed root canal and crown and also impacted wisdom tooth, and some gum problems.
My braces were scheduled in a month while I sort these problems out.
So first off, tooth cleaning. My gums were bleeding badly and lots of tartar everywhere. Resolution: brush, floss and rinse!
After that was done, I was scheduled for a root canal treatment at a root canal specialist Roots! It took 2 sessions within a week under the expert hands of a ex colonel Dr Tan. The sessions were long but Dr Tan was professionally and smoothly done with no unnecessary pain. The painful part was it cost $1100.
Next up is the extraction of the dead right molar tooth, which went smoothly too, though I think the local anesthetic went into my veins and I almost felt like fainting.
So far so good. The most scary part is actually the crowning process. The thing is, after a root canal is done, basically they remove the core of the tooth, kill all nerves and fill up with cement. The crown or top part of the tooth is gone so a dental crown is needed to cap it the dead tooth. Meanwhile, during the two weeks, a temporary crown made of plastic will be used. I scheduled my appointment such that a mould is taken before finishing my root canal treatment so that my temp crown will be ready once my treatment is completed so my risk of tooth fissure is low. The reason why I am so scared is because I grind my teeth at night very hard and that could break my tooth and waste the whole treatment.
But here is where the issues start. Firstly was the lab didn't made me the temp crown! Dr Chan had to do one in house. Next was the temp crown broke off, twice, chipping and falling off completely after a floss.
My tooth was a bloody mess and a mould for the perm crown was impossible to make. I had to wait a week and almost died while hoping the temp crown survives. The temp crown was fitted in again and my mould made, but within a day, it fell off during lunch and I think it triggered off a allergy reaction and I had to be hospitalized.
Anyway by this time I saw another Dr as it was considered an emergency and he said not to bother about the temp crown and let it be.
Finally 3 weeks after my temp crown, I was about to get my perm crown on Monday when the call came to say I was scheduled to fit braces 2 days before on Sat. I was like huh! The orthodontist was adamant that it can be done without the crown, skipping the molar band first.
The orthodontist seemed in a huge rush but just as well, completing the session in 40 mins. Really great job. Great because it was very swift and decisive movement. Hopefully each adjustment session will be as good.
Today, one month after my very first vist, I finally got my perm crown, a $800 marvel of porcelain and white gold. And my braces is fitted.
So it's my messy journey to straight teeth. And I still need to fix an appointment to remove my wisdom tooth. Sooner or later.

Me just before my braces are done.

Location:Tanjong Pagar


  1. Hi, which clinic u went to? I saw dr chan boon hui too but i dunno if u r referring to e same dr as i had... :) does he look young?

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. 22 Reforms for Dr Shervon Lum Ooi Ying, ToofDoctor.
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